Why is data becoming so important?

It’s the holiday season and you are asking why write about data. Aren’t there plenty of things to focus on already during the holidays?  Decorating, gifts, foods, get-together’s… The list goes on. 

One of the biggest stresses of the holidays is gift giving.  We have to think about money, ideas, who gets what, and where to find gifts (especially where to find the sales). 

Since it is the holiday season, we will look at the process of gift giving to begin to understand how we can manage our money more mindfully. 

The word data means known facts and refers to numbers but can also refer to words and images.

I will be writing a lot about gathering data. It is a great way to get information and learn. 

I have to confess that I love lists. I love creating them.  I use them to stay on track. I especially love to cross out items when done!

We are going to look at three lists that you can create to not only get an understanding of your gift giving but also begin (or continue) your journey to being more mindful in your money management. 

Let’s get started on gathering our gift giving data.